Sarcastic Quotes On Fake People

Sarcastic Quotes On Fake People

sarcastic quotes on fake people
Don't be fooled by their mask.Fake people eventually show their true colors. Just wait until their mask needs cleaning.
-Sarcastic Truth

This is what happens. You tell your friends your most personal secrets, and they use them against you. 
-Sophie Kinsella

Fake friends are easy to find and easy to loose but real friends are the hardest to find and hardest to lose. 
-Sarcastic Truth

My fake plants died because I did not pretend to water them. 
-Mitch Hedberg 

Every coin has two sides, just like most people have two faces.
 -Sarcastic Truth

A friend who stands with you in pressure is more valuable than a hundred ones who stand with you in pleasure. 
-Edward Bulwer Lytton

When you're up in life, your friends get to know who you are. When you're down in life, you get to know who your friends are.
 -Sarcastic Truth

My real friends never hearin from me, fake friends write the wrong answers on the mirror for me..

Everyone you fight may not be your enemy, likewise everyone that helps you may not be your friend.
 -Sarcastic Truth

You got nothing to lose. You don't lose when you lose fake friends.
-Joan Jett

Sometimes I wish people were like money so when I put them in the light I know which ones are real.
 -Sarcastic Truth

Be very careful of who you share your problem with, remember that not every friend that smile at you is your best friend.
 -Sarcastic Truth

Few friendships would survive if each one knew what his friend says of him behind his back.
 -Sarcastic Truth

I would so much rather have a few of good friends than a lot of fake friends. 
-Lauren Conrad

Reality of life Quote
When you become successful,you will get many false friends and true enemies. 
-Sarcastic Truth

When they show you their true colors don’t try to paint a pretty picture with it.
 -Sarcastic Truth

I rather be successful and have enemies than unsuccessful and have fake friends. 

And you don't have to care, so don't pretend. Nobody needs a best fake friend. 
-James Bay

You always knew after shitty things happened, who your friends really were. 
-Jodi Picoult

Fake friends tell you the pretty lies. True friends tell you the ugly truth. 

Don't be ashamed of finding out who your fake friends are, be happy for never being one of them.
 -Sarcastic Truth

Fake friends are only there when they need something from you.

In life you have a choice: Bitter or Better? Choose better, forget bitter. 
-Nick Vujicic

It's better to have an ENEMY who honestly says they hate you than to have a FRIEND who's putting you down secretly..
 -Sarcastic Truth

Do not be upset if you choose wrong people sometimes. Because without choosing them you will never know the true value of the right ones.
 -Sarcastic Truth

They use different people for different things for their own benefit.
-Sarcastic Truth

I don't need a bunch of fake friends. It's much better to have 4 quarters than 100 pennies.
-Sarcastic Truth

Eliminate those fake friends who seem real when you have something and disappear when you have nothing.
-Sarcastic Truth

A fake friend can cause much more damage to you than a real enemy.
-Sarcastic Truth

Fake relationships and fake people coming up to me and all of a sudden wanting to be my friend. 
-Jason Ritter


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