Danish Proverb Famous Sayings
Danish Proverbs
Denmark | |
Many people love to praise right and do wrong.
Better to deny at once, than to promise long.
One bag of money is stronger than two bags of truth.
He is not yet born who can please everybody.
A timid man has little chance.
He who takes no chances wins nothing.
A friend's faults may be notices, but not blamed.
One eye is a better witness than two ears.
Luck has much for many, but enough for no one.
The silent man is most trusted.
No one gets into trouble without his own help.
Between saying and doing there is a great distance.
When every one minds his own business the work is done.
Better ask twice than lose your way once.
To tell the truth is dangerous, to listen to it is boring.
The pride of the poor does not endure.
A truth telling woman has few friends.
Time waits for no man.
Fair words please the fool, and sometimes the wise.
If you want some lies to be believed wrap them up in truths.
A person's character reaches town before the person does.
Do not keep secret from your friend what your enemy already knows.
All wish to live long, but none to be called old.
What is done cannot be undone.
Do not judge your friend until you stand in his place.
Bad is never good until worse happens.
Advice to a fool goes in at one ear and out at the other.
Fish and guests smell at three days old.
The poor man wants much, the miser everything.
He who wants to tell the truth will always stand before closed doors.
We get too soon old and too late smart.
He who knows how to beg may leave his money at home.
Envy does not enter empty houses.
He who is afraid of asking is ashamed of learning.
Mine and thine are the sources of all quarrels.
Onions, smoke and women bring tears to your eyes.
Faults are thick where love is thin
Speak little of your ill luck, and boast not of your good luck.