Latin Proverb Sayings

Latin Proverb Sayings

Latin Proverb Sayings
In time of sickness man is ever on his best behaviour.
We learn the value of things more in their loss than in their enjoyment.
We live more by fashion than common sense.
Truth is violated by a lie or by silence.
A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.
Lost time is never found again.
He who waits till an opportunity occurs may wait for ever.
Forgetting trouble is the way to cure it.
We all envy other people's luck.
If you wish another to keep your secret, first keep it yourself.
There is no wise response to a foolish remark.
Rumour grows easily enough, but is not easily silenced.
What the sober man has in his heart, the drunkard has on his lips.
He spends the happiest life who knows nothing.
It is better to be always prepared than to suffer once.
War appears pleasant to those who have never experienced it.
Believe nothing of what you hear, and only half of what you see.
He that gives bad counsel suffers most by it.
A wise man should never give his wife too much rein.
The credit got by a lie lasts only till the truth comes out.
He is the best gentleman, who is the son of his own deserts.
