Mexican Proverb Sayings

Mexican Proverb Sayings

Mexican Proverb Sayings
There's no worse struggle than one that never begins.
It is in our work that we discover love and faith.
Revenge is a dish that tastes better cold.
He who knows nothing neither doubts nor fears anything.
All time spent angry is time lost being happy.
False hope kills more readily than bitter truth.
He who keeps a secret prevents much mischief.
A man without happiness is either not good or not well.
Truth suffers but never perishes.
Words and feathers are carried away by the wind.
He who wants everything will lose everything.
Let not the tongue speak what the head may have to pay for.
There is no evil that comes without something good.
An idle mind is the devil's playground.
There is no choosing between two things of no value.
The deaf does not listen, but invents well.
Since excuses were invented, no one is ever in the wrong.
Marriage is the only war in which you sleep with the enemy.
If you're going to rest under the sun, it's better to keep walking.

