Spanish Proverbs
Spanish Proverbs
You surrender your freedom where you deposit your secret.
If you talk too much you're likely to give yourself away.
Happiness itself does not stay only moments of happiness do.
He who fears death cannot enjoy life.
If you want to marry wisely, marry your equal.
Take no notice of the stupid things people say.
If you want to know secrets, seek for them in trouble or in pleasure.
Tell your friend your secret, and he will set his foot on your neck.
When one door shuts, a hundred open.
He who tells his own secret will hardly keep another's.
A beautiful wife without money is like a fine house without furniture.
Look for the good, and let the bad come on its own.
A wise man changes his mind, a fool never will.
Beware of a bad woman, and put no trust in a good one.
Every person is a fool in some person's opinion.
Come live with me and you'll know me.
Love can do much, money can do everything.
The buyer needs a hundred eyes, the seller but one.
It is better if they say, He ran away here. than ..He died here.
Sleep is the best cure for waking troubles.
If a job is worth doing, it's worth doing well.
He who lives a long life must pass through much evil.
The more a woman admires her face, the more she ruins her house.
A woman and a glass are always in danger.
He who knows how to live, knows enough.
Give me a seat, and I will make myself room to lie down.
He who denies everything confesses everything.
The judge's son goes into the courtroom without fear.
The woman who dresses well attracts the husband from another woman's door.