Welsh Proverb Sayings

Welsh Proverbs

Welsh Proverb Sayings
The older the man, the weaker his mind.
People aren't good unless others are made better by them.
Reason is the wise man's guide, example the fool's.
He who has no faults is not born.
No good will come of over sleeping.
Speak well of your friend, of your enemy say nothing.
The best knowledge is to know yourself.
A great sin can enter by a small door.
Your hand is never the worse for doing its own work.
He understands badly who listens badly.
The wiser the man, the fewer his words.
A boy is easier cheated than an old lady.
The advice of the aged will not mislead you.
Anger is the mother of treachery.
Money is the key that opens all locks.
Never trust overmuch to a new friend or an old enemy.
