Zayn Malik Quotes (22 Quotes)

 Zayn Malik Quotes

Zayn Malik Quotes

Smile doesn't mean that someone is happy. Sometimes it just means that you're strong.

Life isn’t a music player where you choose whats being played, it is a radio where you have to enjoy whats being played.

There's so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on.

It doesn't matter how much you flirt the whole day, at night you'll always end up thinking about the one you truly love.

Loving someone who doesn't love you is like waiting for a ship at the airport.

I don't need the perfect one, I just need somebody who will make me feel like I'm the only one.

Just because your aren't perfect, doesn't mean you aren't beautiful.

Enjoy life, it has an expiration date.

No matter how many times people try to criticize you, the best revenge is to prove them wrong.

Never look back, reminising on yesterday, smile for the future, tomorrow's a new day.

It hurts me when seeing a girl cry..I want to comfort them as long as I can or I'll end up crying too..

Before you judge people, judge yourself.

I want a girl who doesn't know that she's beautiful, so i have an excuse to let her know all the time.

If people talk behind your back, it's because you're ahead of them.

Don't call a girl a flirt, she's just trying to be nice. Don't call a girl obsessed when she's just in love.

The reason I don't tweet as much as I used to, is because I'm sick of all the useless opinions and hate that I get daily. Goodbye Twitter.

I'm not one to get involved with what anyone says about me.

Get on in life because life will get on without you if you don't keep up.

And remember, nobody's feelings are more important than your own, so take time to love yourself.

The person who will give you unexplained happiness, will also be the reason for your unexplained sadness.

I'm very attracted to a girl's eyes. I think you can tell a lot by a girl's eyes.

Life is funny. Things change, people change, but you will always be you, so stay true to yourself and never sacrifice who you are for anyone.
