Bulgarian Proverbs Sayings
Bulgarian proverbs
If you want to annoy the devil stay silent.
The eye that sees all things else, sees not itself.
A good friend is recognized in times of trouble.
Water washes up everything but shame..
Life is a stairway some are going up, others are going down.
What the devil is unable to do, he asks a woman to do?
Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today.
Pretty wife, old wine many friends.
A word about to be spoken is like a stone that is ready to be thrown.
If you let everyone walk over you, then you become a carpet.
One gentle word opens a gate of iron.
There is a reason for everything that happened.
He who gives much, will soon start begging.
Talk of the devil and the devil appears.
He who believes in dreams feeds on wind.
The Older one marries, the longer the nights.
A house without a woman is like a fire without a bucket.
Hunger is a bigger master than the king.
He who undertakes too many jobs does none.
Tell me who your friends are, so I can tell you who you are.
The wife carries the husband on her face; the husband carries the wife on his clothes.
When the sea turned into honey, the poor man lost his spoon.
One learns as long as one lives and still dies a fool.
He who gets angry, grows old fast.
One learns as long as one lives and still dies a fool.
If you would live long, open your heart.
If you can't be good, be careful.
Bad weather gets better, a bad man never does.
Burning the poor man's candles, counting the rich man's money.
If you have no enemies think then that your own mother might have produced one.
Go hunting for rabbits be eaten by wolves.