Hebrew Proverbs

Hebrew Proverb

Hebrew Proverb Sayings
Ask someone else for advice but keep your knowledge to yourself.
Beware of him who gives you advice according to his own interests.
A book gives knowledge, but it is life that gives understanding.
Do not speak of secret matters in a field that is full of little hills.
Whoever depends on his wife's earnings will not succeed.
A change of name or place may sometimes save a person.
Better blind of eye than blind of heart.
A man's intelligence is located in the tip of the pen.
Give me good advice but don't advise me not to do it.
A guest who comes empty handed does not deserve a warm welcome.
Do not judge your fellow man until you have stood in his place.
A beautiful ornament looks best on a beautiful woman.
A person can understand things deeply through proverbs.
Don't be quick to get angry; rage is found in the bosom of fools.
A man dies when he stops working.
A wise son makes his father happy, a foolish one grieves his mother.
When the wise man gets angry, he stops being wise.
There is nothing better than a good reputation.
The thief who has no opportunity to steal thinks he is an honest man. 
Gossip is more horrible than a capital crime.
A people's legends reveal its character more clearly than its acts and events.
Better a night full of anger than a night full of repentance.
It's better that you suffer an injustice than you commit one.
An advantage of poverty, your relatives gain nothing by your death.
If the wine comes in, good sense goes out.
Fire dies for lack of wood; if there's no whispering, gossip stops.
He who is his own judge never finds a reason to condemn.
He who does not teach his son a trade teaches him to steal.
If two men claim your help, and one is your enemy,
Kindness is the beginning and the end of the law.
If you don't walk after eating, your food remains undigested.
He who prays for his neighbors will be heard for himself.
A dream which has not been interpreted is like a letter unread.
He is great whose faults can be numbered.
Three things show a man's character.. his drinking, his pocket, and his anger.
Love him who tells you your faults in private.
The truth is a heavy burden that few care to carry.
Just as people's faces are different, so are their opinions different.
My friend tells me of my virtue. my enemy notes my fault.
The best way to find happiness is not to search for it.
Love blinds the eyes to faults, and hatred blinds the eyes to virtues.
Time heals old pain, while it creates new ones.
Teach your tongue to say, I don't know, rather than invent something.
Don't be sweet lest people lick you.
Night was created so that we might consider what we did during the day.
Who's a hero? he who turns his enemy into his friend.
Judge a man not by the words of his mother, but from the comments of his neighbors.
When two friends part they have to lock up each other's secrets and throw away the key.
The worst kind of person is one whose power of speech is greater than his power of thought.
 A person worries about the past, is upset about the present, and fears the future.
