Hungarian Proverb Sayings

 Hungarian Proverb

Hungarian Proverb sayings
A good wife is the crown of the house.
Bad news proceeds by wings, good news hardly walks.
One road leads to heaven but many lead to hell.
Time passes, it waits for nobody.
He who is slow to anger is longer getting over it. 
What is delayed may happen later.
Only those make no errors, who do not work at all.
There is no rule without exception
Trouble does not come alone.
There is no impossibility, only unwillingness.
In every good thing there is something bad.
The amount of people equals the amount of opinions.
Even the luck of a poor man is poor.
A good beginning is half success.
Speak praises or nothing of the dead.
The wife of a careless man is almost a widow.
He who readily believes will be readily disappointed.
He who slowly gets angry will stay angry for a long time.
Tell the truth, and people will bash in your head.
The person who trusts is happy, the person who doubts is wise.
He, who has plenty of time, will run out of it.
Take what is yours, not that of others.
If you dig a hole for someone else you'll fall into it.
Expect good if you do good.
The forbidden fruit is the sweetest.
Something you stole will be also stolen from you.
Faithfulness can move mountains.
Necessity is the greatest teacher.
