Quotes About Facing Your Problems
Quotes About Facing Your Problems
The way we see the problem is the problem.
-Stephen Covey
I do not fix problems. I fix my thinking. Then problems fix themselves.
-Louise Hay
Every problem is a gift without problems we would not grow.
-Tony Robbins
Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines.
-Robert H. Schuller
I use my mind to solve problems and invent things.
-Temple Grandin
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
-Albert Einstein
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.
-Albert Einstein
Problems are the price of progress. Don't bring me anything but trouble. Good news weakens me.
-Charles Kettering
Don't be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Losers fix the blame; winners fix what caused the problem.
-Denis Waitley
Most people spend more time and energy going around problems than in trying to solve them.
-Henry Ford
Never attack a problem without also presenting a solution.
-Jim Rohn
Our problems are man made, therefore they may be solved by man
-John F. Kennedy
Problems almost always create opportunities to learn, grow and improve.
-John C. Maxwell
When you can't solve the problem, manage it.
-Robert H. Schuller
As long as you think the problem is out there, that very thought is the problem
-Stephen Covey
The easiest way to solve a problem is to deny it exists.
-Isaac Asimov
Instead of fighting your problems, picture your way out of them.
-Vernon Howard
It is only because of problems that we grow mentally and spiritually.
-M. Scott Peck
I have Many Problems in My Life. But my leaps don`t know that. They always smile
-Charlie Chaplin
Every problem has two handles. You can grab it by the handle of fear or the handle of hope.
-Margaret Mitchell
A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.
-Albert Einstein
The only difference between a problem and a solution is that people understand the solution.
-Dorothea Brande
I don't have any solution, but I certainly admire the problem.
-Ashleigh Brilliant
If there were no problems, most of us would be unemployed.
-Zig Ziglar
when faced with a problem you do not understand, do any part of it you do understand, then look at it again.
-Robert A. Heinlein
To solve big problems you have to be willing to do unpopular things.
-Lee Iacocca
If you have problems in your life, don’t assume there is something wrong with you.
-Bruce C. Hafen
If you have a big problem in your life, all that means is that you are being a small person.
-T. Harv Eker
Life isn't about living without problems. Life is about solving problems.
-Tom Krause
Successful people don't have any fewer problems than unsuccessful people; they just have a different mindset in dealing with them.
-John C. Maxwell
A problem only becomes a problem when we choose to see it as a problem
-Robin Sharma
How you think about a problem is more important than the problem itself. So always think positively.
-Norman Vincent Peale
Leaders think and talk about the solutions. Followers think and talk about the problems.
-Brian Tracy
Winners see an answer for every problem losers see a problem in every answer.
-Barbara Johnson
Each problem that I solved became a rule, which served afterwards to solve other problems.
-Rene Descartes
Rich people are bigger than their problems. Poor people are smaller than their problems.
-T. Harv Eker
Spend eighty percent of your time focusing on the opportunities of tomorrow rather than the problems of yesterday.
-Brian Tracy
The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it is the same problem you had last year.
-John Foster Dulles