Inspirational Engineering Quotes

Inspirational Engineering Quotes

inspirational engineering quotes

Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing. 
-Wernher von Barun

Most times your computer is not responding as you expected - first try to find out if the "ERROR" is not sitting right next to the computer.
-Thomas Baehr

What we usually consider as impossible are simply engineering problems… there’s no law of physics preventing them.
-Michio Kaku

The problem in this business isn’t to keep people from stealing your ideas; it's making them steal your ideas.
-Howard Aiken

The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art.
-Leonardo da Vinci

The engineer’s first problem in any design situation is to discover what the problem really is.

I don’t spend my time pontificating about high-concept things; I spend my time solving engineering and manufacturing problems.
-Elon Musk

Engineering is quite different from science. Scientists try to understand nature. Engineers try to make things that do not exist in nature. Engineers stress invention.
-Yuan-Cheng Fung

A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
-Douglas Adams

We shape our buildings, thereafter they shape us.
-Winston Churchill

I have not failed, but found 1000 ways to not make a light bulb.
-Thomas Edison

Engineering is the art of directing the great sources of power in nature for the use and convenience of man.
-Thomas Tredgold

An engineer is someone who washes his hands before going to the toilet.

When you want to know how things really work, study them when they’re coming apart.
-William Gibson

When I am working on a problem, I never think about beauty but when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong.    
-R Buckminster Fuller

Engineers have more words for screwing up than the Inuit have words for snow.
-Pierce Nichols

No one wants to learn by mistakes, but we cannot learn enough from successes to go beyond the state of the art.
-Henry Petroski

The most important thing is to keep the most important thing the most important thing.
-Donald P Coduto

Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell ‘em ‘Certainly I can’ Then get busy and find out how to do it.
-Theodore Roosevelt

I’ve never seen a job being done by a five-hundred-person engineering team that couldn’t be done better by fifty people.
-C Gordon Bell

Knowing there is a structure, hidden or felt, to the random gives pleasure. 
-Cecil Balmond

Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
-Antoine de Saint-Exupery 

Engineers like to solve problems. If there are no problems handily avialable, they will create their own problems. 
-Scott Adams 

What's nice about having an engineering degree is everybody thinks you are smart. 
-Ato Essandoh

One man’s magic is another man’s engineering. Supernatural is a null word.
-Robert A. Heinlein

Successful engineering is all about understanding how things break or fail. 
-Henry Petroski 

No matter what engineering field you're in, you learn the same basic science and mathematics. And then maybe you learn a little bit about how to apply it.   
-Noam Chomsky 

The joy of engineering is to find a straight line on a double logarithmic diagram. 
-Thomas Koenig

Inventing is the mixing of brains and materials. The more brains you use, the less materials you need. 
-Charles F. Kettering 

We don’t care about what you did yesterday---we care about what you’re going to do tomorrow. 
-Cory Doctorow Makers 

Science is about knowing; engineering is about doing. 
-Henry Petroski 

The engineer's first problem in any design situation is to discover what the problem really is. Don’t find fault, find a remedy; anybody can complain.  
-Henry Ford

A scientist discovers that which exists. An engineer creates that which never was. 
-Theodore von Karman

The scientist discovers a new type of material or energy and the engineer discovers a new use for it.
-Gordon Lindsay Glegg

Any idiot can build a bridge that stands, but it takes an engineer to build a bridge that barely stands.

For an optimist the glass is half full, for a pessimist it’s half empty, and for an engineer is twice bigger than necessary.

The life work of the engineer consists in the systematic application of natural forces and the systematic development of natural resources in the service of man.  
-Harry Walter Tyler

The engineer has been, and is, a maker of history. 
-James Kip Finch

Teachers need to be more inspirational. But it's also up to engineering to make itself more interesting. 
-Bruce Dickinson

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.   
-Buckminster Fuller

Scientists study the world as it is, engineers create the world that never has been. 
-Theodore von Karman 
