Whatsapp love status

Whatsapp Love Status

Best Love Status For Whatsapp

I love it when I catch you looking at me, then you smile and look away.

Great minds contain ideas, solutions and reasons; scientific minds contain formulas, theories and figures; my mind contains only you.

I wish falling in love had traffic lights, so that I would know if I should: Go for it, slow down, or just stop.

The best feeling in the world is when the person you like, likes you back.

I want to live in your eyes, die in your arms and be buried in your heart.

Even if you push them away,people who truly love you will always choose to stay.

Anyone can catch your eye but it takes someone special to catch your heart.

It all comes down to the last person you think of at night. They have your heart.

My thoughts are free to go anywhere, but it`s surprising how often they head in your direction.

Holding her hand in public, is just another way of saying you`re proud to have her.

Dear brain, give me a break. Get that someone out of my mind, please.

Sometimes words cannot explain the feeling,but still I can find the love in your eyes.

When I miss you, I re-read our old messages and smile like an idiot.

If you’re mine you’re mine, I don’t like sharing.

Sometimes I wonder if love is worth fighting for. Then I remember your face and I`m ready for war.

My life is filled with ups and downs but it’s always better when you’re around.

One chance. Two hearts.. Three words.

Being in LOVE is like Being DRUNK. No control over what U do.

Dear heart, please fall in love only when you`re ready, not when you`re lonely.

The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart.

The best thing in life is to find someone who knows all your faults but still thinks u r amazing.

They say Love isn`t a game. Why are there so many players then?

I`m not addicted to texting, I`m addicted to the person i`m texting.

Love is like a ghost, many talk about it, but little have seen it.

The human heart is a strange vessel. Love and hatred can exist side by side.

You can erase someone from your mind. Getting them out of your heart is another story.

Nobody is perfect...until you fall in love with them.

Sometimes you don`t want to fall in love but your heart doesn`t ask your permission.

The most beautiful clothes that can dress a woman are the arms of the man she loves.

Lucky ---A man who is a woman`s 1st love. Luckier ---A woman who is a man`s last love.

You can`t have a relationship without any fights. But you can make your relationship worth the fight.

The deeper you love someone, the greater power they have to hurt you. So love wisely.

Some say long distance relationships never succeed, I say with enough effort, time and commitment, love will find its way.

Love isn`t just about finding the right person. But creating a right relationship.

When you truly love someone, you can never get bored of that person.

Love the right person. Or at least love someone who is making himself right for you.

Love is not about how much you say "I love you", but how much you can prove that it`s true.

That moment when you realize you are in love.

Love can`t be proven with poems, promises, or presents. Sometimes, only pain and patience can prove it.

Seriously, what`s the point of having this expensive phone when i dont even get a text from you?): damn, my phone misses you.

Love is like a song. Whether good or bad, it seems to get stuck in your head.

One thing I can promise you is that when I`m with you, nobody else matters.

The longer you hide your feelings for someone, the more you fall for them.

One smile can’t change the world, but your smile changes mine.

People who are meant to be together will always find their way back.

Deleting my feelings for you........ ERROR! File too big.

Sometimes we play with love. But when the time comes and we realize we wanna get serious, love plays with us.
